Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Beginning your Christian date for love towards a healthy marriage

Before you look for into Christian dating, or Christian online dating, you need to know what are the steps that you should do. Like i said before, the first thing is the need to get healed from your past. You also don't want to have a helpmate that has baggage as well, it will cause a lot of problems. So get to know the Lord and his love and if you are just new and just beginning your journey with the Lord it is not the time for finding a helpmate, it is time to get to know the Lord and His Word.

And then you should come in prayer before God to give Him your rights to choose if He wants you to get married, you don't want to step out of His blessing.

And then you should learn from you past mistakes of choosing the wrong person or doing wrong, and change your perspective about it. God's will is that you will desire a spouse that will love the Lord with all their heart and obey His Word. If you have experience in the past with an abusive relationship, this time you don't want to follow the same road, look for a Godly character, pay attention to how they talk about others and how they treat them. And then you will need to look to see if you have the same calling. You need to discern if you have the same character. Sit down and write a list of the characteristics you are looking for, for example if you are looking for a person that will encourage others or one that loves to help , not lazy, give respect to others and so on.

And now i advise you to do what i did, because i wanted to succeed in my Christan online date and my Christian married life. I investigated to learnt about relationships with the opposite sex and to know how my potential other half thinks, operates and what needs are needed. Also what ways i can talk to him so i will be understood, and how to get a long with the opposite sex, and know what moves him. There is so much to learn, and im still learning. And i know that i would not succeed in my Christian online date, Christian love relationship and my Christian married life were it not for the knowledge i am now sharing. Its all about the deferences between man and women, and the key for success is to understand this. To be able to communicate is essential.

All men and women want to have long and lasting love marriage life, and it is beautiful to see it coming to pass in the places where i experienced before failure but now success.

Now you will have to be very careful as i speak especially to the women, first don't be afraid to refuse someone if you don't feel safe, and do not give any personal information about were you live or your phone number etc ( maybe create a disposable email address to communicate at first). And when you go to meet someone, do it in the day time and in public places. Take a friend with you if you can, its better to do that for the first time and then you can get your friends discernment as well. And if your not interested then just politely say so. You are not obligated to anyone. If at first or second or third you don't succeed, don't be discouraged from your search for a healthy Christan marriage relationship.

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